What Is the Basketball Jump Shot? 5 Best Jump Shots

“Shots” are the golden fundamentals in basketball, which define the game’s potential winning or losing rate. Nevertheless, there is numerous nature of shooting techniques, however, the discourse of this article will be one of the shooting strategies, that is, “The Jump Shot, its Types, Execution & Tips”.

Jump Shots, complimenting the name itself, are the ones that involve the basic technique of ‘jumping vertically in the air, with upward arm stretch, releasing the ball towards the hoop in mid-air with the intention of making a basket’. Jump shots, although can be played from anywhere on the court, however, get tougher depending on the distance between the shooter and the hoop. The Jump-shots can be executed from any movement, that is while dribbling or standing still with the intent to make a bucket.

What Is the Basketball Jump Shot

Multiple styles of Jump-shots are practiced currently, each having its own pattern of work. Let’s have a thorough look below.

Types of Jump Shots in Basketball

To score higher and quicker, several forms of jump shots are considered the most practiced and commonly used in basketball. A compact guide about each technique is stated below.

Fadeaway/Fall Away Jump Shot:

A type of Jump shot, where the offender, while jumping, releases the “ball forwardly” to make a basket yet positions the “body backwardly” away from the defender. This intentional backward movement creates space with the defender, thus making it harder for the defender to oppose the ball.

It is the toughest yet most effective technique to shoot at the hoop if done precisely. However, the command over fadeaway jump shot is priorly needed, otherwise, an ackward landing can cause a collapsed shot, and hence injuries can happen.

Step Back Jump Shot:

Similar to the “fadeaway jump-shot” the step-back move is practiced by the player to “create space” in order to achieve enough space to make an unhindered shot.

It is a counter move, following the pattern, that the player initiates the step forward and promptly moves backward to the actual position, creating the distance from the defensive player and then performing a regular shot to unleash the ball. The effective area for this shot to perform is, in the lane, close to the hoop, or within 15 feet distance.

Leaning Jump Shot:

“Leaner” is a counterpart to “fadeaway jump-shot”, where the player does not move backward but forwardly to make a shot. The forward-leaning of the shooter often left the defensive player in an inconsiderable shock, and the heap of the moment doesn’t let the defender stop the ball, hence resulting in a bucket.

Pull-up Jump Shot:

Pull-up Jumper is a basketball move, where the player fakes the movement to make a basket, trying to ditch the defender to balance him off and making an instant bucket in the while.

The shot is adopted by the players mostly, who can’t defeat the defenders by their speed of running. Hence, follow the trick by dribbling the ball heading towards the hoop, stopping, pull-up the ball, and jumping the shot, leaving the defender abandoned. It can get highly risky if played outside the key area.

Turnaround Jump Shot:

The turnaround Jump shot is executed when the player stands or comes closer to the basket with his back towards the hoop, spins around 180 degrees, turns, and makes a bucket instantly, in the feasible moment. However, the turnaround time must be efficiently used, else wise, the hesitation for a fraction of a moment may cause a lost shot.

Execution of Jump Shots: Phases of Jump Shots

A jump shot typically comprises three phases to have endeavored:

1. A straight upward vertical jump in the mid-air

2. Shortly, the actual motion of throwing is initiated, prior reaching to the highest jumping position.

3. The ball is unleashed for the bucket while meeting the apex – the highest point of the jump – is reached.

All the phases mentioned seamlessly transition with each other. The descending of the jump shot ends in the landing on the ground.

Jump-Shot Pros In-Comparison to Standing-Shot:

  • Higher Win Rate:

In a situation, where the offender is closely guarded by the defender, the effectiveness of the jump shots performs readily well. Where, as a result of a ‘jump-up’, the ball thrown by the shooter, crosses over the head of the defender, from a much higher angle above head, and consequently, makes it almost impossible for the defender to stop the ball. Hence, the ball to block in a jump shot is more challenging than in a standing shot.

  • Measlier Exertion, More Momentum:

In the scenario, the player tries to make a shot, running from a far distance and moving toward the hoop,  the momentum from the running movement can be transferred directly into the shot. This results in a dynamic powerful throw with less effort put overall.

  • Potent Shot Angle:

The player can achieve, multiple better shot angels, by jumping up in the mid-air and pointing a shot to the basket.

Jump-Shot Cons In-Comparison to Standing-Shot:

  • More Strength Demand:

Jump-shot requires more effort and potency to achieve an accurate shot. The strength requires to make a precise bucket, is directly proportionally to the distance between the shooter and the hoop.

  • Coordinative Jump and Motion:

The efficacy of Jump-shot lies in the coordinative movement of jumping of the shooter and throwing the ball in the desired faster motion relatively.

  • Constant Practice:

The Jumping-shots techniques may seem easy but somehow are professionally difficult to adapt. Therefore, proper training is regularly needed to acquire a grasp of the approaches.

Basketball Jump Shot: Exercises & Tips

A few of mentioned tips can be considered and practiced as exercises, to get the grip on Jump-shots.

Standing Throws:

Before grasping the command over the Jump-shot, the grip on throwing the ball correctly is prior to being considered.

Players should focus on practicing the free throws and medium-range throws to get comfortable first with the throws, which have to be the primary cause of the jump.

Standing Position Jump Shots:

Jump-shots from standing positions are considered to be one of the core techniques in basketball. In various scenarios, the players fake the steady movement of passing the ball to another player, meanwhile, plays the jump shot instantly, scoring a bucket.

Jump Shot While Moving:

Taking the Jump-Shot to the next level, and shooting while moving is the whole thing. Once, you get the command over a standing throw as well as the jump throw from a standing position, you can upgrade to practicing and adapting the jump shots in a moving state.

Pro Tips:

To be a pro at jump shots, diverse techniques must be followed by the players while practicing. It may include, extra demanding strength in order to get muscular by placing any sort of obstacles or additional “weights” on the players to get more compatible and strong.


Practice is what makes a player perfect and fits the need. To higher the success rate of the winnings, the collective stability of the team is always needed, whether it’s mental strength, physical, or overall team spirit.  Indeed, the communal performance of the team decides the potential to win or lose.

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